Tubi App: Install the Tubi app and look for NBC News NOW in the News Channels lineup.(Note: News NOW is only available on Hulu Live, Hulu users without Live Channels will not find News NOW in the app.) Hulu : Hulu Live subscribers have access to NBC News NOW in the Channels lineup.You can also install the YouTube TV app and find NBC News NOW in “LIVE” channels area. Youtube: Go to YouTube and search for NBC News NOW or visit /nbcnews.Peacock app: Install the Peacock app and look for NBC News NOW in the Channels lineup.Xumo: Install the Xumo app and look for NBC News NOW in the Channels lineup.PlutoTV: Install the Pluto TV app and look for NBC News NOW in the Channels lineup.Apple TV: Install the NBC News app for free from the App Store on your Apple TV device.Amazon FireTV: Install the NBC News FireTV app for free from the app store on your FireTV device.The ROKU Channel App: Install the Roku Channel app on your Roku or Fire TV and find NBC News NOW in Live TV Channel Guide.You can also find NBC News NOW streaming free in The Roku Channel. Roku: Install the NBC News Roku channel for free from the Roku Channel Store on your Roku device." Likewise, the OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data provides that "although national laws and policies may differ, Member countries have a common interest in protecting privacy and individual liberties, and in reconciling fundamental but competing values such as privacy and the free flow of information ".You can watch NBC News NOW on your streaming device/app in the following ways: Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honor and reputation." 2. Furthermore, Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights provides "Article 17 1. If they were living, do you think those people would have allowed very distant relatives to pry into their lives, let alone dig up and get copies of their marriage contracts? Put yourself in the place of the dead. Likewise from a certain ethical point of view, just because they are dead doesn't mean you can do whatever you like just because you can. But if they are 30 years old, anyone, not even those related to them can. At present time, NSW laws do not allow people who are not party to the marriage to get copies of marriage certificates. The show I watched yesterday in Australia about a woman who dug up the 3 marriage contracts of her great great grandfather just to be able to say and chuckle that "he was married 3 times" raises the issue about the privacy of the dead. Respect the privacy of the dead This show talks about the private lives of generations of relatives.